I Heart Skiing!! Especially at Mammoth...
Those last minute adventures, vacations, dinner plans, whatever... always seem to be the best, don't they? On Monday, the weather looked like it was holding to be a beautiful Tuesday, so plans were confirmed to join my friend (GFS) and her boyfriend (BFC) & GFS's son to fly to Mammoth for the day! Hard to pass that one up... N even played hooky from school and got someone to cover her work shift so she could join us. We arrived at the Corona airport at 6:30 for wheels up at 7:00, and had a beautiful flight up the Owens Valley to arrive at Mammoth-Yosemite airport an hour and a half later. After driving that same route a few weeks ago, leaving at 4:45 a.m. and arriving around 11:00 exhausted and attempting to ski the rest of the day, I can see how you could really get spoiled if you had the option of flying your twin engine Cessna instead!

Seatbelts on & passengers are ready for takeoff!!
Speeding down the home turf runway...
Amazing views all the way!
Flying at 12,500 feet, we were just 2,005 feet below the summit of Mt. Whitney
The little black strip to the right of the 2 lane road (HWY 395) is our target.
And so very cold!! N warming her hands in the engine
while waiting for the taxi ride to Mammoth Mountain.
Best snow I've ever seen on Cornice Bowl
How would you like to have THIS waiting for you after a day of skiing?
We were parked right next to it, so gawking was a given...
Time to say goodbye to beautiful Mammoth and a perfect ski day!
Back home ~ Our flights were uneventful, just like we like 'em!
Thanks to BFC for his exceptional piloting skills, and GFS for making the call to invite us to join you!
N and I had the best day!! Love ya
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