My Kid is Bad at Sports and Other Lies
Honestly, the things people will do to win stuff! There I was, minding my own business, enjoying the music of Green River Ordinance (the warm-up band for the warm-up band for the Goo Goo Dolls ) at the Greek Theatre last night, when one of the band members said something about "we're giving away this guitar" and "send us a tweet and you could win." So I figured, there's not that many people here yet, how many could possibly be tweeting? Turned on my phone, looked up @GRO on twitter and found mucho tweets on the page, all saying something lame like "guitar, please" or "will bake brownies for guitar" or "entry for Greek contest" yada yada -- you get the idea. In between songs, one band member mentioned that they'd been together for 10 years and started playing in high school. Then he said something about all of them being bad at sports so their parents bought them guitars. So, I promptly tweeted to @GRO "You guys...